Sunday, September 11, 2011

mi nueva familia

Well, I was out of touch for a bit because I was in fact living in the cloud forest Intag for a week (!), but I am yet again connected as my savvy new Ecuadorian family has given me their wireless password. Their house is also super chevre.

I can't really explain in words how the cloud forest affected me because it was something that I never anticipated nor imagined. I will instead sum up my activities and let you all decide how these experiences may have been.

-learned to i.d. about 10 plant species by their latin names
-mist netting (catching birds in nets and them)
-ate delicious ecuadorian food (RICE AND BEANS etc.)
-cloud forest drop off (alone time with the forest haha)
-helped build a puente (bridge)
-lived with a family from Plaza Gutierrez for three days (AMAZING)
-went on a 6 hour hike through the cloud forest
-harvested firewood and beans with my host father and brother
-danced with a farmer
-attended the 110th anniversary of Plaza Gutierrez party
-saw a crater lake from an old volcano
-bought some helado (ice cream)
-finally met my host family in Quito

and that is the very shortened version of my adventures. They have been incredible thus far and I only expect them to get more amazing as we have trips planned for the Amazon and Galápagos as well. ciao, Katí (because no one here can say Kat)

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